A Month of Sundays
A few days ago, my business partner and I were brainstorming how we could convert several upcoming events we have into virtual ones without losing the awareness and momentum we’ve built for the causes these events support. As we were talking, I mentioned how it now seems that every day seamlessly bleeds into the next. My partner agreed saying she keeps thinking it’s Sunday.
That’s when it hit me.
Every day feels like Sunday now that we are knee-deep into responding to the effects of a global pandemic caused by COVID-19. Sure we have things to do, some even at certain times, but our schedules aren’t at all like they’d be on a normal work-day.
So how do we cope when we’re facing weeks, and perhaps even months, of topsy-turvy work schedules, increased family demands and more restrictions on our day-to-day lives? Here are a few tips to help you get through this uncertain time.
Don’t panic. Panic won’t help anyone. Not you, not your family, not your employees or co-workers. When you feel panic coming over you, stop, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and then think about what needs to be done next. Not everything that needs to be done; just the one next thing. Simply hitting pause can help you reset mentally and physically. And to be honest, I’ve been doing a lot of this deep breathing and resetting lately.
Assemble information. Face it. We are navigating circumstances we’ve never before encountered. Gather whatever information you may need and use it as required to get through the day. And it’s more than just news reports and announcements from the CDC. It’s what your clients or customers are telling you. It’s what you’re hearing from your employees or co-workers. Everyone understands that we all are trying to do our best to make good choices for our companies, our teams, our families and the others we care about. Having the right information at your fingertips eases decision making and removes stress.
Don’t get mired in negativity. Yes, it does seem bleak when we consider what’s happening worldwide. Rising cases, more restrictions and dire warnings from other countries make it seem like there’s no hope. Check out from the constant onslaught of news and check in with friends or loved ones. Stop obsessively scanning Facebook for announcements and start taking care of yourself. Take a walk outside, journal, meditate, do push-ups, learn a language. Look for the bright side because trust me, there is one.
Stay connected. This one is important. Humans are social animals and generally speaking, we crave connection in times of trouble. Thing is, right now, connection – at least in real life – is challenging. The forced closure of many popular hang-out spots, limits on the size of gatherings, recommendations regarding how close we get to each other, advice against touching one another. The list goes on and it’s enough to make this extrovert cry. But we’ll live through it. I have several business meetings that will now are (thankfully) video calls, I’ve signed up for some webinars where not only will I learn something new but also get to engage with my peers and a few colleagues and I are even planning an online morning coffee chat. Maintain those connections and you will be able to weather the storm.
Wishing you and yours good health! And if you need something, let me know. I am happy to read through a draft, brainstorm a communications idea or just talk about how different it is to manage a now-remote workforce. I’ve got you covered … virtually, of course.