COVID-19 and Common Sense

Scroll through Facebook, thumb through the paper or turn on the television and chances are there is at least one story about COVID-19, commonly known as the new coronavirus. Some people behave as if the world is coming to an end (hello, mini-preppers hogging all the toilet paper). Others seem to think that hitting up school, work or the movie theater with a 103* fever and a cough is perfectly fine.

Well, I have news. Neither response is okay.

But what’s a gal to do in the face of a now-declared pandemic and state-wide emergency?

How about not panic but rather prepare. As a company that specializes in event management, we are making sure that the events we have in the next few months are prepared should there be a need to postpone or cancel. We even are thinking ahead to what happens if people just choose not to come for whatever reason.

That means we have basic communications plans assembled to ensure that event attendees, vendors, sponsors and others know what’s happening when decisions are made. We also are being smart about swag – how much we order, what’s included in its design and can it be stored if necessary.

And we are offering alternative ways to participate via a virtual event. While that isn’t the same as being there in person, we will be able to generate awareness for the event and its cause thus maintaining some momentum should we be forced to postpone or cancel this spring.

Finally, we are paying close attention to the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control, the state department of health and other like agencies for guidance.

These are all common sense steps that will help our clients move through this health scare smartly and for the most part, intact. How about you? What are you doing to prepare?